Lenses for Glasses
Customise your lenses with specialised tints and coatings to get the most out of your spectacles.
Spectacle Lenses at Norville Keynsham
We have access to the latest lenses for all your visual needs. Our qualified Optometrists and Dispensing Opticians will help you find what's best for your lifestyle, budget and prescription.
Lenses are something that can make a big difference when it comes to achieving the clearest possible vision and having your spectacles work best for you.
Sunglass Lenses
Polarised lenses are sunglass lenses that will cut down on the glare you get from sun shining on wet surfaces and so are very useful for driving, holiday or fishing.
Lens Coatings
Coatings can be applied to lenses that will make them more resistant to scratching or reduce the amount of light reflected from the lens.
Reflection free coatings make the lenses look better by making them appear more transparent as more light can pass through the lens allowing you to see the eye behind the lens. They also stop the problem of the spectacle wearer seeing ghost images on the lens which can be particularly troubling when driving at night or using a VDU screen.
New anti static layers on the coating can make the lenses easier to keep clean.
Varifocal Lenses
Varifocal lenses also combine a distance and reading prescription in one lens, but rather than a visible step to the reading area there is a smooth transition down the lens.
Not only is a varifocal better cosmetically, it also gives a portion of the lens suitable for viewing objects at arms length, such as a computer screen or prices on shop shelves, which can be awkward to view with a bifocal. It can take a little while to get used to varifocal lenses but with the right type of varifocal and the advice from our qualified Dispensing Opticians there are very few people who cannot adapt to them.
You used to need a larger frame for varifocals but as fashions have changed towards smaller spectacles varifocal lenses have been designed that are suitable for today’s modern styles giving you much more freedom of choice than before. Other developments have created lenses that give wider clear areas across the lens.
Thinner Lenses
We can make your lenses up to 40% thinner with a high index material. If you are unhappy with the appearance of your lenses and feel that they are too thick and heavy we can help with this problem. High index materials are available for single vision, bifocal and varifocal lenses.
Photochromic Lenses
Photochromic lenses react with ultraviolet light causing them to go dark when you are outside and then fade when you return indoors. Modern photochromic lenses go dark in about 30 seconds, although they are slower to fade. Because they react to ultraviolet light they don’t tend to work too well in a car as the windscreen will block off UV.
Photochromics are available in varifocal, bifocal and single vision lenses and high index materials.
Single Vision Lenses
Single vision lenses are the simplest form of lens and the most commonly required. If you are short sighted (myopic), long sighted (hypermetropic), astigmatic, or just require reading spectacles (presbyopia) then a single vision lens will probably meet your requirements. If you wear bifocal or varifocal lenses (presbyopia) some people find a separate single vision pair can be useful for prolonged reading, VDU use or for a specific hobby.
Bifocal Lenses
Bifocal Lenses provide two different focal distances, normally for distance vision at the top and reading in a visible segment at the bottom. These lenses are a solution to the problem of presbyopia and will allow separate distance and reading prescriptions in one lens rather than swapping between two different pairs.
Enhanced Reading Lenses
Enhanced reading lenses provide a greater depth of focus than conventional single vision lenses for reading. Also known as office lenses, the top half of the lens will have a longer focal distance at the top and closer at the bottom.
As the term “office lens” implies these have been developed for use with the VDU although have other applications such as for use with reading music or DIY. Like a varifocal lens they have no line but will give a much wider field of vision for the intermediate distance. They have a little or no distance vision and are not suitable for driving.
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